We are living in the century of information. Information surrounds us everywhere. Specialists have calculated that the amount of information increases twofold every one and half years. Just look around - now we have television, radio, Internet and mobile communication. In the course of time, we get more TV and radio channels, new websites and Internet applications, mobile phones turn into pocket PCs. All these means provide us with more and more information.

Nowadays companies, no matter what their business is, also feel the influence of the increased informational flow. Your company constantly receives tons of information via telephones, posts, emails, online messengers, faxes. These are agreements with your clients and suppliers, consultations of specialists, negotiations.
The longer your cooperation with a client or supplier is, the more information you have exchanged. Besides, with the company growth the number of clients and suppliers increases, too. As a result, the amount of information grows at an unprecedented rate. If all this data is not systematized, you get a lot of chaos.
Besides, are you sure that all your employees work hard? Very often you need to control quality and time-frames of their individual and team work. In conditions of informational chaos, this is quite a complicated task. Generation of various reports also becomes a rather labor- and time-consuming work.
And what if you have branches in other cities or even countries? How can you quickly set tasks to them? How can you control their teamwork? How can you gather all the information exchange with your branches for its' convenient storing in an archive?
Today, many of us understand that we cannot work as before anymore. Due to the inefficient cooperation inside a company, bureaucracy appears, the working efficiency of your employees diminishes, nonmanufacturing overheads increase. Your company becomes less efficient, while your employees spend more and more time on bureaucratic operations. As a result, each client costs more and each working hour of your employees makes fewer investments into your company's productivity.
But there is a way out from the current business situation. In recent years specialized management systems appeared - such systems are called Groupware or Collaboration System (also, Business Management Software). Groupware is business software for the organization of an efficient collaboration of employees and team work inside a company.

The main advantage of using such business solutions is the creation of a one informational environment within one company. All employees now work using a business software solution and communicate in it. This helps you quicker assign tasks and control their fulfillment. All information about clients and suppliers are automatically systematized.
Moreover, such small business software can automatically keep an archive and quickly find necessary data or a document. Together with that, creation of business reports is also automated. This helps instantly estimate the teamworks of the employees, quality of their work, sales target implementation, and so on.
The use of Business Management Software helps you substantially lower bureaucratic problems, increase your employees' teamwork efficiency, and cut expenses. This is a tool for making your company's work more efficient and competitive.
Related articles:
- Description of TeamWox Groupware (Collaboration Software for team work)
- TeamWox Collaboration System as a One-Stop Business Information Storage
- Task Manager (Tasks) in TeamWox Collaboration System
- Electronic Document Management (Docflow) in the Groupware System
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in TeamWox Groupware
- TeamWox Service Desk (Helpdesk): Customer Support Made Easy!