"Board" Module
The "Board" module is a tool used for organizing discussions and publishing messages meant for multiple users of the TeamWox system. This tool is also intended for sharing the unformalized descriptions of colleagues' experience. For example, the following subjects can be published on the Board:
- The company's internal events - staff changes, schedule of working days and holidays, the company's birthday, information about important achievements.
- Useful information - the description of accumulated experience, recommendations on working with clients, etc.
- Debating points (topics for brainstorming sessions) - the name for a new product, discussions about the ways/techniques to solve various problems, etc.

Working with the "Board" tab can be divided into several parts:
- Board Category Manipulations
They are performed in the left part of the tab. You can switch between categories by pressing the left button of your mouse on their names. If you are in a certain category, its name is not shown in the list of topics. The
Add category button is located under the list of categories, but it is not visible, if you do not have sufficient access rights. The access rights can be granted by the administrator of your TeamWox system. - Viewing the Board Topic List
It is performed in the main part of the "Board" tab. - Creation of a New Topic
You can create a new topic by pressing the "New topic" button located in the upper part of the tab. - View Topic
In order to view a topic, click on its name. - View Reports
To view the reports, one should press the "Reports" button in the upper part of the tab.
The tab contains the search line as well.