Electronic Document Management (Docflow) in the TeamWox Groupware System


The transition and work of electronic document flow in an organization are carried out in the web-based TeamWox business management system, using the "Documents" module. This module, lets say document solution, can be used to solve the following docflow tasks:

  • Secure corporate documents (files and data) storage in electronic format
  • Archive of various versions and history of the document changes, records management
  • Approval of documentation
  • Variety of access rights and files sharing
  • Creation of reports on working with documents

This article will describe, in great detail and with examples, how to team work with documents in the TeamWox collaboration system, starting from how to connect to documents and ending with report creation.

Working with Document Flows (Docflow)

The TeamWox groupware system stores all documents (files and records) in an encrypted format, which provides a high level of information security. You can use the standard web interface and protocol WebDAV to access them. In the latter case, documents appear as normal files and folders of the operating system's network drive.

Electronic document flow and records management in TeamWox

To quickly obtain the required document in web interface you can use the corporate search engine system.

Documents Management: Documents Storage Architecture

The document flow system in TeamWox collaboration software only establishes access rights for directories. The hierarchy of directories is an important link in the secure document storage system because it allows for a clear structure of the documents stored in the collaboration system, and the delimitation of their rights. For example, the directory "Contracts" provides data about the company's contracts with its customers. This directory can be accessed by the staff of the marketing department and the director.

You should pre-build the structure of your documents directories, relying on the future team work with the TeamWox document managament system. A properly structured system of directories will ensure effective group work with your company's documents and corporate file storage.

Sample structure of directories in TeamWox

Documents Management: Working with Documents

Once you have configured the hierarchy of the directory, you can begin to add or create documents in your business management software. To do this you must use the appropriate commands in the menu of the page:

Start working with documents

You can add documents in the format of regular files, as well as in the form of built-in TeamWox objects, such as MindMap, charts, graphics, text documents, etc. Let us create a diagram and save it under the name diagram.twv:

Creating a diagram in TeamWox

Once you create a new document, you can change it. For those objects, which are built into TeamWox Groupware, a picture-editing menu appears in the general list of documents. Clicking on it will open a groupware's editor, which you can use to change the object:

Edit the document

To change regular files you need to add a new version of the file into the TeamWox collaboration system from the "Version" section to the "Document Information" section. All changes made to a document (except for deletion) are implemented by creating a new version of the document in electronic document management system. You can always view the chain of versions of the document in the appropriate section:

Adding a new version of a document

Documents Management: Document Classification

Typically, a document has additional parameters which allow you to understand its purpose. There are special document settings in the "Information" section. These parameters are:

  • Direction: The document can be inbound, outbound, internal, etc.
  • Type: The document may be a contract, note, etc.
  • Issue: The document can be assigned a number. This number may not necessarily be a digital, i.e. it can contain letters and symbols.
  • Expiration date: Each document has its own time period, during which it is valid.

If you set these parameters, they will become available for sorting and searching. This is what the document will look like with its settings depicted.

Setup of document viewing

Documents Management: Document Resolution and File Sharing

When working with a document, a need arises to confirm and reconcile it. There are two types of teamwork in TeamWox collaboration system:

  • Reading: Used when certain people or groups from TeamWox collaboration system need to familiarize themselves with this document.
  • Signature: Used when a specific document needs to be signed. A person may refuse to sign the document if he wishes.

A document can be introduced or appropriated for a signature in the "Information about the document" section. The appropriation and further endorsement of the document is recorded in its properties and history. For the purpose of working convenience and efficiency, notifications and document widgets are used.

If the document is changed, all of the endorsements, agreed upon previously, will be voided.

Let us appoint our document for a signature by the director. A line will immediately appear in the document's properties, informing us of the current stage of its approval:

Example of document assignment for signing

Following the document's appointment, it will appear as in hand by the user "Main Director". The user can either sign it, or refuse to sign:

Sign or refuse to sign a document

Documents Management: Reports on Document Flow

Working with documents often requires the assessment of the quality and quantity of the staff's workload, as well as the use of the documents storage. The ability to generate reports helps to accomplish this. Reports on various parameters can be obtained:

  • According to the types of documents. This type of report shows the number and size of documents, grouping them by their type. This makes it possible to evaluate the use of different types of documents and the occupancy of the documents storage in TeamWox Collaboration System.

    Number of documents by types

  • According to users and endorsement while teamwork. This report shows the number of documents created by the system's users, as well as the stages of the document's approval.

    Number of documents created by the system users

  • An increase according to the quantity and sizes of the documents. This report allows the accretion of documents by their number and volume. The report is based on the documents, which are located in the currently operating folder.

    Increase of the documents number and size


Working with documentation is an essential part of every company. The effectiveness of the documents solution software directly affects the effectiveness of the overall company's activity. The "Documents" module in TeamWox collaboration software will help you to restore order in your company's document flow system and will transform the routine paperwork into a simple and effective process.

Related articles:

  1. Description of TeamWox Groupware (Collaboration Software for team work)
  2. TeamWox Collaboration System as a One-Stop Business Information Storage
  3. Task Manager (Tasks) in TeamWox Collaboration System
  4. Reviews and Feedback
