define("TEAMWOX_HOST", "your.domain.com");
* checking string in the hex format
* @param string $hex
* @return boolean true if string is hex, otherwise - false
function is_hex($hex)
// processing of string
$hex = strtolower(trim(ltrim($hex, "0")));
if (empty($hex))
$hex = 0;
$dec = hexdec($hex);
return ($hex == dechex($dec));
* junction of chunks http 'transfer-encoding: chunked'
* @param string $chunk initial string
* @return string string with joined chunks
function http_chunked_decode($chunk)
$pos = 0;
$len = strlen($chunk);
$dechunk = null;
//--- get chunks in loop and join them
while (($pos < $len) && ($chunk_len_hex = substr($chunk, $pos, ($new_line_at = strpos($chunk, "\n", $pos + 1)) - $pos)))
if (!is_hex($chunk_len_hex))
trigger_error('Incorrect number', E_USER_WARNING);
return $chunk;
//--- information about next chunk
$pos = $new_line_at + 1;
$chunk_len = hexdec(rtrim($chunk_len_hex, "\r\n"));
//--- junction of chunks
$dechunk .= substr($chunk, $pos, $chunk_len);
$pos = strpos($chunk, "\n", $pos + $chunk_len) + 1;
return $dechunk;
* The function of getting information about all groups and their statuses
* @return object
function MQ_Query_get_chat_group()
//--- open socket to TEAMWOX_HOST port 443 with 30 seconds timeout
$socket = fsockopen(TEAMWOX_HOST, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$socket)
trigger_error($errstr, E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
//--- create request
$query = "GET /public/chat/groups?json HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$query .= "Host: " . TEAMWOX_HOST . "\r\n";
$query .= "User-agent: Web-site\r\n";
$query .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
//--- write request to the socket
fwrite($socket, $query);
//--- get answer
$answer = '';
while (!feof($socket))
$answer .= fgets($socket, 4096);
//--- close socket
//--- check the answer
$pos = strpos($answer, "\r\n\r\n");
if ($pos > 0)
//--- find body of the answer
$body = substr($answer, $pos + 4);
$body = http_chunked_decode($body);
return json_decode($body);
return false;
* The function for displaying of statuses
* @return void
function MQ_Print_status()
$data = MQ_Query_get_chat_group();
if (empty($data)) return;
if (empty($data->groups)) return;
foreach ($data->groups as $info)
if (empty($info)) continue;
//--- display status
echo $info->name, " ", ($info->online == 1 ? "on-line" : "off line"), "<br>\r\n";
//--- call of the function of displaying of statuses
?> |