TeamWox HelpWelcomeStatus


Each user of the TeamWox system can specify their status to notify the others, for example, about the current task.

The status can be changed at the top right corner of the window of the system:

Changing status

If you don't have a status yet, you should press the "change" button and specify it. To change the existing status, click on it with the left mouse button.

Status of the user is displayed in the window of window of brief information:

User details

If a user doesn't have a custom status, the system automatically assigns one of the predefined statuses: "Working", "Absent", "Vacation", etc. Such status is set on the basis of presence/absence of the user in the system or on the basis of information specified at the "Working time" section of the "Team" module.

Status of users is also displayed in TeamWox Communicator.