Each module has its own adjustable list of access rights. The permissions can be assigned to both groups and users.
The functions of the "E-Mail" module are delimited in the following manner:

- The "E-Mail" permission enables/disables the access of users/groups to this module. If this permission is given to users/groups, they can see the "E-Mail" module where they can view the incoming mails. However, this permission doesn't allow them to write or reply to a message, or adjust any mailboxes.
- The "Create/edit messages" permission allows/denies users/groups to reply to messages or write new ones, or edit messages.
- The "Create/edit mailboxes" permission allows/denies users/groups to adjust new mailboxes and edit the existing ones.
- The "View reports" permission allows/denies users/groups to view the reports about the mailboxes of the TeamWox users.
- The "Administrate all mailboxes" permission allows/prohibits user/groups to edit the settings of all mailboxes added to the system. The editing is performed through the "Summary report" in the "E-Mail" module.
If the "E-Mail" permission is not given, all permissions will bring no effect, because the users/groups just cannot see this module.

Permissions scheme