In order to start viewing an e-mail, you should press with your mouse on its subject. The following window appears, as soon as you press it:
An e-mail can be divided into two parts for convenience: the message itself and attachments.
The button is located under the "Back to list" button. You can assign the e-mail to another user by pressing it. The window of assigning users described in the "Interface Description -> List of Assigned section appears, as soon as you press it. Once the e-mail has been assigned, it is marked with the
icon to the right of its subject.
The subject of the correspondence is located below. The e-mail body will be hidden, if you press with your mouse on the subject. The repeated click will unhide the e-mail. This feature is used, in cases the correspondence contains a huge number of messages, so you can easily navigate through them and have every e-mail near at hand. The incoming e-mails have the icons and outgoing have the
The button is located to the right at the same level. The window of choosing an organization appears, as soon as you press it. The instructions of how to use it are given in the "Interface Description -> List Manipulations section. This feature is intended for attaching the mail to a specific organization. This can be used for further creating of filters "from organization(s)". Once the mail is assigned to an organization, the name of the organization will appear to the right of the "Organization" button. The "Address" column in the mail list will also contain the
special and the name of the organization instead of the e-mail address. This binding will be applied only to the current message (or chain).
The automatic binding of messages to organizations by e-mail address functions in the TeamWox system. |
The "Show details" button is located under the e-mail subject. The "E-mail details" window shown below appears, as soon as you press it:
This window contains the following information: e-mail subject, sender, recipient, size and header. You can download the e-mail to your computer in the *.eml format by pressing the Download button. To close this window, press the "Close" button.
The window of the message editor appears, as soon as you press the Reply button. This window already contains the body of the original e-mail you are replying to. Once you have finished writing of the e-mail, you should press the "Send" button. If you want to cancel the replying, you should press the "Cancel" button. The "Send" button has an additional function: "Send and close".
The e-mail will be sent and closed (moved to the corresponding section "Closed"), as soon as you press this button. This function can be useful, in case you already know that this reply is the last in this correspondence.
The more detailed information about the "reply" function is given at the Reply/Forward section. |
The e-mail will be moved to the "Closed" folder, as soon as you press the Close button. Ideologically, the completed mail exchange should be closed just like a completed task, if you are not going to return to it anymore. The correspondence will not be lost, but separated from the actual mails at the same time.
If you view an e-mail created by yourself, the |
# symbol is the permanent link to the message. You can copy the link using the corresponding command of the context menu and then insert it to other messages. A unique identifier that is automatically assigned to each mail is located to the right of the link. You can search e-mails by these identifiers. To do it, type the identifier with the "#" symbols before it in the search line. Search by identifiers can be performed only within the "E-Mail" module.
Emails linked to a project are marked with the icon and a link to the project. The link text is the same as the project name.
If you press the button located to the right of the "Reply" button, the expanded list of actions will appear: "Reply", "Forward", "Add to contact list", "Encoding", "Print", "Close" and "Delete".
The e-mail body itself is located below.
In order to return to the list of e-mails, you should press the "Back to list" button located in the upper part of the window of e-mail viewing.
If you are currently viewing a branch of e-mails, then the expanded list of actions contains an additional button "Separate".
You can separate an e-mail from the e-mail chain by pressing that button. The e-mail will be moved to the list of e-mails, as soon as you press it. Both this e-mail and the branch of the e-mails, from which it has just been separated, will be marked as unread.
TeamWox provides a feature for a quick reply to invitation emails.
Use one of the three buttons to reply to an invitation: "I am attending", "Decline" or "I may attend".
When you click on "I am attending" or "I may attend", an event is automatically added in the "Invitations" calendar and a message with a reply is sent to email address of the person who has sent the invitation.
To change a decision about attendance of the event, click on "Change decision".
If the list of employees assigned to the message is changed or if the message is moved to a filter, the corresponding entries appear in it:
This kind of entries are displayed at the end of the message. They contain the name of the employee that performed one or another action, and also the date when the action was performed.
If an e-mail contains attached files, you can copy them to the "Documents" module right from the mail-viewing mode by pressing the button that appears to the right of the attached file's name when you put the cursor of your mouse over it. This button appears only if you have sufficient access rights.